Many women experiencing difficulty getting pregnant are diagnosed with infertility, often due to a condition called endometriosis. Endometriosis has some severe symptoms like pelvic pain during sex and menstruation, but these might not manifest in all patients. In these cases of asymptomatic or silent endometriosis, fertility specialists check for markers like the BCL6 protein.
BCL6, a marker for BCL6 endometriosis, allows fertility specialists to diagnose any underlying infertility causes and can even predict the chances of successful IVF.
Understanding the BCL6 Protein’s Relation to Endometriosis
BCL6 (B cell Lymphoma 6) is an oncogene that affects cancer cell development within the body. The BCL6 gene affects cell growth, development, death, and inflammation. According to researchers, overexpression of the BCL6 protein – the protein that the B cell lymphoma 6 encodes – helps alter immune functions by increasing inflammatory cytokines.
BCL6 overexpression in women with endometriosis often occurs during the menstrual cycle secretory phase. This means that BCL6 protein levels will be unusually high in most women experiencing unexplained infertility. High BCL6 values predict silent endometriosis and can result from unimpressive IVF outcomes.
How A BCL6 Test Works
When attempting to diagnose endometriosis, fertility specialists test for BCL6 protein through endometrial biopsy. Your specialist will perform a speculum exam during your office visit. Some patients experience mild pain and cramping during or after the procedure, but you can get pain medication to ease the discomfort.
Your OB/GYN will help you time the biopsy within the luteal phase of your menstrual cycle or when the LH (luteinizing hormone) levels rise. If your periods are not regular, which makes timing a huge challenge, your fertility specialist can prescribe various medications to help simulate this phase.
When all the conditions are right, your OB/GYN will perform a BCL6 test and send out the test for processing. The BCL6 test is a clinical tool to check for BCL6 protein markers, but they can also test for additional biomarkers like CD-138.
Diagnosis For Endometriosis
Positive BCL6 test results indicate the existence of inflammation along the uterine lining. The inflammation affects reproductive outcomes and causes difficulties conceiving or infertility. Fertility experts also associate the inflammation with endometriosis and low success chances of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
The test for BCL6 is mostly used for testing patients before they undergo IVF. BCL6 testing can help predict the success chances of an IVF procedure and diagnose silent endometriosis. The test is highly sensitive and has high specificity for endometrial inflammation.
While BCL6 testing helps diagnose endometriosis, fertility experts can recommend other techniques to confirm the results. Some methods they can use to diagnose endometriosis include:
- Transvaginal ultrasound, which is part of a pelvic exam to check the condition of the uterus and fallopian tube.
- Testing for inflammatory markers that might be elevated in women with endometriosis, like cytokines.
- Medical imaging uses X-rays and MRI scans to determine the extent of endometriosis in the uterus area. This provides a reliable map of areas where endometriosis has infiltrated, making them easier to remove in surgery.
- Hormone testing of Low Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) hormone levels, which indicate problems in the ovarian reserve. High FSH hormones might also indicate endometriosis.
Possible Endometriosis Treatments
Testing for endometriosis allows understanding of your condition which leads to potential treatments that may help you regain fertility. Fertility specialists use a range of methods to help treat endometriosis and inflammation in the lining of the uterus, including:
- Hormone therapy – Hormone suppression is a technique fertility specialists use to help decrease the spread of endometriosis implants. Using hormones inhibits ovulation and helps reduce inflammation of the uterine lining. Your endometriosis will subside, allowing embryos from your IVF procedure to attach.
- Laparoscopy – Laparoscopy is a surgery type that helps identify any endometrial implants and remove them. This method is invasive; the surgeons make a slight incision to insert the laparoscope and guide their tools during deep excision surgery. Surgical removal of endometriosis implants increases the chances of a successful pregnancy from IVF.
Improve IVF Success By Diagnosing BCL6 Endometriosis
Unexplained infertility in women may be due to asymptomatic endometriosis. If you are experiencing unexplained infertility, consult with an expert on the diagnosis of silent endometriosis by checking for markers like the BCL6 protein. BCL6 endometriosis diagnosis can help resolve your unexplained infertility and increase your chances of IVF success!Â